Available in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico
The study consists of 4 periods, and the total study duration is up to 112 weeks.
Approximately 468 adult participants with CSU are expected to be randomized in the study.
Screening period: A screening period of up to 4 weeks will allow for the assessment of
eligibility, determination of baseline disease activity and wash-out of prohibited
Core Phase Treatment Period (52 weeks):
The treatment period will be double-dummy and double-blind, with placebo injections
matching omalizumab 300 mg s.c. given to participants in the remibrutinib arm and placebo
tablets matching remibrutinib 25 mg given to participants in the omalizumab arm
(double-dummy). At the randomization visit, eligible participants will be randomized to
one of four treatment arms.
Extension Phase Treatment Period (52 weeks): Optional open-label extension where patients
receive treatment with open-label remibrutinib 25 mg, for 52 weeks.
Follow-up period:
For patients that do not enter the extension phase, there will be a 16-week,
treatment-free, safety follow-up period.
Patients that enter extension phase will have a 4-week treatment-free safety follow-up
period at the end of the extension phase.
All participants will be on a stable, local label-approved standard dose of a
second-generation H1-AH ("background therapy") throughout the entire core phase (starting
a minimum of 7 days prior to randomization until the end of the core phase).
In addition, to treat unbearable symptoms of CSU flare-ups, participants will be allowed
to use a different second-generation H1-AH on an as-needed basis ("rescue therapy").
5Research sites
468Patients around the world