Last updated 20 months ago

Effects of rTSMS Associated With Treadmill Training in Patients With Parkinson's Disease

76 patients around the world
Available in Brazil
The primary objective is to evaluate the effects of treadmill gait training associated with repetitive transspinal magnetic stimulation on the change in rapid gait speed in Parkinson Disease patients. The investigators hypothesize that the association of repetitive transspinal magnetic stimulation with treadmill gait training should be superior to treadmill gait training alone in improving gait symptoms in patients with PD. Additionally, will be investigated the effects of treadmill gait training associated with repetitive transspinal magnetic stimulation on comfortable gait speed; in clinical and neurophysiological measures; in motor symptoms; in activities of daily living; in the ability to walk (total distance covered); in balance performance; in time to complete the turn; in the severity of the freezing of the gait; in mobility; in the level of physical activity; in the number and fear of falls and in the perception of quality of life of patients with PD. In addition, the possible side effects of the intervention will be evaluated.
University of Sao Paulo General Hospital
1Research sites
76Patients around the world

This study is for people with

Extrapyramidal and movement disorders
Parkinson's disease

Requirements for the patient

From 18 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

Men and women over the age of 18;
Participants with PD at Hoehn Yahr stages between 2 and 4 (moderate disease) while on-medication (i.e., at the time when their usual dopaminergic medication is clinically effective), whose primary symptom includes gait disturbance (score equal to or greater than 1 in subitem 2.12 of the MSD-UPDRS scale). Patients will be evaluated for the presence of freezing gait (freezing) through the Freezing of Gait Score (FOG-SCORE).
While on on-medication, be able to walk independently for 30 meters or with a unilateral assistive device.
Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score greater than or equal to 23.
Sign the informed consent form.
Patients with unstabilized psychiatric comorbidities;
Individuals who have other neurological disorders, musculoskeletal, orthopedic, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders that may affect the ability to walk on the treadmill will be excluded.
Individuals with labyrinthine problems, using medication that may interfere with balance and performance in tests and treadmill training will be excluded.
Individuals who have undergone deep brain stimulation surgery or epidural spinal cord stimulation will be excluded.
Patients with uncontrolled infection or other uncontrolled pre-existing medical conditions (eg uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure, symptomatic lung or heart disease);
Concomitant treatment with other experimental drugs;
Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Presence of chronic low back and lower limb pain.
Patients who cannot walk without assistance (cane, crutch, walker) or help from another person.
Patients with metal implants and a cardiac pacemaker.
Patient with a history of neurosurgery.


Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da São Paulo - USP
Rua Dr. Ovídio Pires de Campos 785 - Estado de São Paulo 05403-000
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