Laparoscopic Ileal Interposition and Weight Regain
30 patients around the world
Available in Brazil
This prospective, controlled, randomized intervention study will investigate the Ileal
interposition to the treatment of weight regain after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, assessing
weight loss, body composition, health-related quality of life, metabolic biomarkers,
inflammatory biomarkers, and incretin hormones. The participants will also be assessed for
alcohol abuse, depressive symptoms, level of physical activity, eating disorder symptoms, and
dumping syndrome.
Rio de Janeiro State University
1Research sites
30Patients around the world
This study is for people with
Requirements for the patient
To 60 Years
All Gender
Medical requirements
Patients submitted to initial laparoscopic after initial Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for at least 3 years.
Loss of excess weight between 60 to 80%.
Rate of weight regain ≥60%.
Body mass index ≥ 40 kg/m2 or ≥ 35 kg/m2, with at least 2 comorbidities associated with obesity.
Present a previous evaluation by the multidisciplinary team with a favorable opinion of the revision surgery.
Active chemical dependency on alcohol and/or illicit drugs.
Severe psychotic or depressive disorder or history of suicide attempts in the last 12 months.
Eating behavior disorder (uncontrolled).
Secondary causes of obesity.
Severe organ failure.
Active neoplastic.
Infectious or inflammatory disease.
Severe coagulopathy.
High anesthetic-surgical risk.
Intellectual inability.
Lack of preoperative follow-up.
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
R. São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20550-013