Last updated 3 months ago

HD-tDCS in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial

80 patients around the world
Available in Chile, Brazil
A multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial will be conducted. Participants will be randomized into two groups: the HD-tDCS group (gTDCS) and the sham tDCS group (gSham). The intervention protocol will assess the effects of HD-tDCS on respiratory parameters and ALS progression. The study will include individuals of both sexes, aged 18 to 80 years, with a clinical diagnosis of ALS, evaluated before, during, and after the home-based HD-tDCS protocol. The electrodes will be positioned in a circular arrangement over the primary diaphragmatic motor cortex, applying a continuous anodal current intensity. For placebo comparison, only an initial 30-second ramp stimulus will be applied, followed by a minimal current, resulting in no significant intervention. The intervention will be conducted at the participant's home, once daily, five days per week, for two weeks. Patients will undergo evaluations of lung function, cough peak flow, respiratory muscle strength, nasal respiratory pressures, functional capacity, muscle fatigue, cognitive function, as well as surface electromyography of respiratory muscles during active and assisted breathing curves using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), cortical excitability, central tissue oxygenation, respiratory muscle tissue oxygenation, functionality and disease progression, motor control and muscle performance, fatigue and dyspnea, sleep analysis, quality of life, and adverse effects.
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
2Research sites
80Patients around the world

This study is for people with

Motor neuron disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/als

Requirements for the patient

To 80 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

Both sexes; diagnosis of ALS according to the revised El Escorial criteria.
Age between 18 and 80 years.
Forced Vital Capacity greater than 50% of predicted.
Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure greater than 40 cmH2O.
A telephone number to contact the care team and who signed the study consent form.
Subjects who are unable to understand or perform any of the study procedures.
Subjects who do not agree to participate or voluntarily request withdrawal from the study at any time.
Subjects with cardiac, respiratory, or musculoskeletal comorbidities.
Subjects using invasive mechanical ventilation.
Subjects with a tracheostomy.
Subjects with a pacemaker.
Subjects with metallic brain implants or other electronic implants.
Subjects with a cochlear implant.
Subjects with epileptic activity or a history of epilepsy, or a family history of epilepsy.
Subjects with a history of stroke or tumor.
Subjects prone to severe hemodynamic fluctuations, acute infectious processes, and/or inflammatory conditions.
Pregnant women at the time of recruitment.
Subjects who are unable to complete the intervention protocol.


Universidad de Brasilia - Ceilandia
Centro Metropolitano - Taguatinga, Brasília - DF, Brazil
Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Av. Pedro de Valdivia 425, 7500912 Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
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