Available in Spain, Brazil, United States
This is a randomized, phase 2, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of KER-012 in
combination with background therapy in participants with PAH of World Health Organization
(WHO) Group 1, functional class II-III. Participants will be randomly assigned in a
2:2:2:3 ratio to receive KER-012 (Dose A), KER-012 (Dose B), KER-012 (Dose C), or placebo
by subcutaneous injection (SC) every 4 weeks for a period of 24 weeks in the
placebo-controlled treatment period of the study while on background therapy. Evaluations
will include changes in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), 6-minute walk distance
(6MWD), and safety parameters. Participants who have not discontinued early from the
placebo-controlled treatment period and have had their post-treatment period PVR
assessment will be able to continue into the 72-week extension period in which KER-012
treated participants will continue to receive their same assigned dose level from the
treatment period every 4 weeks and placebo treated participants will receive KER-012
(Dose B) every 4 weeks while on background therapy. For more information please check
90Patients around the world