Last updated 9 months ago

Study of TL-895 in Subjects With Myelofibrosis or Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis

121 patients around the world
Available in United States, Brazil, Spain
Telios Pharma, Inc.
2Research sites
121Patients around the world

This study is for people with

Myeloproliferative syndromes

Requirements for the patient

From 18 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

Adults ≥18 years of age
Confirmed diagnosis of PMF, post-PV MF, or post-ET MF, as assessed by treating physician according to the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria
Palpable spleen measuring ≥5 cm below the LLCM or spleen volume of ≥450 cm³ by MRI or CT scan assessment
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of ≤2
Adequate hematologic, hepatic, and renal functions
Prior treatment with any BTK or BMX inhibitors
Cohorts 1 and 2 - Prior treatment with JAKi within 21 days of the Screening MRI/CT scan. Subjects in Cohort 3 must not have received JAKi
Prior splenectomy or splenic irradiation within 24 weeks prior to first dose of study treatment


Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - HCPA/UFRGS
Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2350, Av. Protásio Alves, 211 - Santa Cecília, Porto Alegre - RS, 90035-903
Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa São Lucas
São Paulo, Sao Paulo, 01236-030
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