Last updated 25 days ago

A 2-Part Study to Learn Whether Litifilimab (BIIB059) Injections Can Improve Symptoms of Adult Participants Who Have Active Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (AMETHYST)

474 patients around the world
Available in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico
Litifilimab is a humanized immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibody targeting blood dendritic cell antigen 2 and is being investigated for the potential treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus and cutaneous lupus erythematosus. The primary objectives of the study are to evaluate the efficacy of litifilimab compared with placebo in reducing skin disease activity measured by the CLA-IGA-R score [Parts A and B (US)] and the Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus Disease Area and Severity Index Activity (CLASI-A) score [Part B (ROW)] in participants with active SCLE and/or CCLE with or without systemic manifestations and refractory and/or intolerant to antimalarials. The secondary objectives of the study are to evaluate the efficacy of litifilimab in reducing SCLE and/or CCLE disease activity by CLA-IGA-R, CLASI-A; to evaluate additional efficacy parameters of litifilimab in reducing SCLE and/or CCLE disease activity; safety; tolerability; and immunogenicity of litifilimab [Parts A and B].
38Research sites
474Patients around the world

This study is for people with

Cutaneous lupus erythematosus

Requirements for the patient

From 18 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

Histologically confirmed diagnosis of CLE with or without systemic manifestations.
Must have active cutaneous manifestations that meet study criteria.
Must have a CLASI-A score ≥10.
Must have an active CLE lesion despite an adequate trial of antimalarial treatment.
Any active skin conditions other than CLE that may interfere with the study assessments of CLE.
Diagnosis of mixed connective tissue disease within 1 year of signing the informed consent form or any history of overlap syndromes of SLE including concomitant presence with rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis and/or polymyositis, systemic sclerosis, psoriatic arthritis, or any other autoimmune disease that may confound the evaluation of the disease activity or the effect of the investigational product.
Exceptions for overlap syndrome of SLE include participants with overlap syndrome of SLE with myositis and secondary Sjögren's syndrome at screening is permitted provided the participant also meets the criteria for classification as SLE.
A past history of mixed connective tissue disease that over time has developed into a diagnosis of SLE is permitted provided diagnosis of SLE has been present for at least 1 year.
Active severe lupus nephritis.
Active neuropsychiatric SLE.
Use of intralesional corticosteroids within 1 week prior to Screening and during the study.
Use of immunosuppressive or disease-modifying treatments for SLE or CLE that were initiated less than 12 weeks prior to randomization, have not been at a stable and allowable dose.


Clínica Mayo de UMCB SRL
Clínica Mayo de UMCB SRL
9 de Julio 259, San Miguel de Tucumán
Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas Quilmes
Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas Quilmes
Sarmiento 315, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas Tucumán
Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas Tucumán
Monteagudo 524, San Miguel de Tucumán
Clínica Adventista Belgrano - CABA - Buenos Aires
Clínica Adventista Belgrano - CABA - Buenos Aires
Estomba 1710, CABA, Buenos Aires
Centro Polivalente de Asistencia e Investigación Clínica - CER San Juan
Centro Polivalente de Asistencia e Investigación Clínica - CER San Juan
Laprida 532 Este, San Juan
Instituto CAICI - Rosario, Santa Fe
Mendoza 2612, Rosario, Santa Fe
Centro de Investigaciones Médicas Mar del Plata SRL
Av. Colón 3083, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires
Centro Privado de Medicina Familiar Mindout Research
Jose Pedro Varela 3901, CABA, Buenos Aires
Centro de Investigaciones Médicas Tucumán
Lavalle 506, T4000 San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina
Aprillus Asistencia e Investigación
Terrada 89, Flores, CABA
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