Last updated 20 months ago

Effect of Non-invasive Neurostimulation on Variability OF HEART RATE IN PATIENTS WITH HEART FAILURE.

30 patients around the world
Available in Brazil
The patients will perform three sessions of HD-TDCS (stimulation, inhibition and Shan) of twenty minutes with an intensity of three milliamps in the left temporal cortex. Before and after each session, patients will perform the six-minute walk test. Heart rate variability (HRV) will be evaluated throughout the protocol through Holter (3-channel). At the end, the perception of exertion and the level of dyspnea of the patient, distance covered and blood pressure will be evaluated.
Federal University of Paraíba
1Research sites
30Patients around the world

This study is for people with

Heart failure

Requirements for the patient

To 70 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

clinical diagnosis of heart failure;
over eighteen years old;
classified in functional class II and III of the New York Heart Association.
Patients with neurological or pulmonary diseases;
Patients with cognitive alterations that make it impossible to execute commands;
with physical limitations that prevent the performance of the exercise protocol.


Hospital Universitario Lauro Wanderley
R. Tabeliao Estanislau Eloy, 585 - Castelo Branco, João Pessoa
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