Available in Spain, Mexico, United States
This is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase III study to
evaluate the efficacy and safety of anifrolumab in the treatment of adult participants
with Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) who may be taking one or a combination of
protocol-specified standard therapies. The use of one of the following standard
immunosuppressant therapies is permitted at a stable dose, but not mandated:
hydroxychloroquine, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), mycophenolic acid or mycophenolate
sodium (MPA/MPS), methotrexate, azathioprine, tacrolimus, and oral glucocorticoids. MMF
or MPA/MPS, azathioprine, and methotrexate may be used in combination with
hydroxychloroquine and/or low-dose oral glucocorticoids [≤ 10 mg/day].
Approximately 306 eligible participants will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive
either anifrolumab (or matching placebo) given subcutaneously once weekly for 52 weeks.
The study will be stratified by the following factors:
- Interstitial lung disease (ILD) (yes, no) at Week 0 (Day1);
- MMF or MPA/MPS use (yes ,no) at Week 0 (Day 1); and
- Disease duration, defined as the time from the first non-Raynaud's symptom
attributable to SSc (<18 months, ≥ 18 months) at Week 0 (Day 1)
Study treatment will be administered subcutaneously via an accessorized prefilled syringe
by study staff or by the participant or carer, either in the clinic or at home, with most
doses being administered at home. The study consists of 4 periods: a 6-week screening
period, a 52-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled period, a 52-week open-label active
treatment period, and a 12-week safety follow-up period. There are a total of 16 study
visits with most visits in the treatment period occurring every 8 to 12 weeks. The
periods are described below:
- Screening Period: This may involve one or more visits to the study site.
- Double Blind Treatment Period: Treatment Period when participants will receive once
weekly injections of anifrolumab or matching placebo. Participation will involve
in-clinic study visits at Weeks 0 (Day 1), 1, 4, 8*, 16, 24, 36, 48 and 52. *The
visit at Week 8 may be either by telephone or in person.
- Open Label Treatment Period: At Week 52, all participants will be given anifrolumab
(subcutaneous) once weekly for 52 weeks (last dose at Week 103). Participation will
involve in-clinic study visits at Weeks 52, 53*, 56, 64, 76. 88 and 104. *The visit
at Week 53 may be either by telephone or in person.
- Safety Follow-up Period: All participants will return to the clinic for a 12-week
post treatment visit. This will occur post Double Blind Treatment Period (Week 52 or
Double Blind Period early discontinuation) or post Open Label Treatment Period (Week
104 or Open Label Period early discontinuation).
1Research sites
306Patients around the world