Last updated 15 months ago


58 patients around the world
Available in Brazil
Background: COVID-19 left consequences in different organs from months to years requiring different types of rehabilitation. In fact, a severe loss in the lung function, and in the respiratory and peripheral muscle strength is commonly observed in post-COVID-19 patients. Objectives: Thus, the present study investigated whether 30 days of supplementation with a nutritional blend (ImmuneRecov®; composition: whey protein concentrate, astaxanthin, creatine, selenium, vitamin C, glutamic acid, tryptophan, magnesium) would help to minimize the respiratory (lung function) and muscular (respiratory and peripheral muscles) sequelae in post-COVID-19 patients. Design: This is a non-controlled open label prospective clinical study. Methods: Fifty-eight post-COVID-19 patients were recruited and twenty-four accepted to take the nutritional blend, while twenty-four did not accept but required to participate in the evaluations and 10 refused to participate. So, the patients were evaluated before the 14th day after hospital discharge and after 30 days of use of the nutritional blend or control (no supplementation).
Federal University of São Paulo
1Research sites
58Patients around the world

This study is for people with

Long Covid

Requirements for the patient

From 18 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

The inclusion criteria encompassed post-COVID-19 patients with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis through a positive RT-PCR test, who also required hospitalization, meeting the criteria for moderate severity classification as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO). In summary, according to the WHO, moderate illness is characterized by individuals who exhibit signs of lower respiratory disease during clinical assessment or imaging and maintain an oxygen saturation level (SpO2) of ≥94% while breathing room air at sea level.
Exclusion criteria included individuals discharged from the hospital for more than 14 days and those who initiated physical activity or began taking any dietary supplements or vitamins.


Universidad Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp
R. Sena Madureira, 1500 - Vila Clementino, São Paulo - SP, 04021-001
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