Available in Argentina
The determination of the glycemic index will be conducted following the protocol described in
the International Standard Organization 26642. Specifically, the glycemic response of each
food will be determined in 15 healthy volunteers, using a glucose-containing beverage with 25
g of glucose in 200 mL as a control for glycemic response measurement. The amount of food
each volunteer will test will be equivalent to an intake of 25 g of digestible carbohydrates
in a single intake. Subsequently, increases in blood glucose levels will be recorded at 15,
30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes after initiating the food intake. Blood glucose measurements
will be performed using a portable glucometer via capillary blood. The area under the curve
of the increase in glucemia will be estimated using the trapezoidal method, and these will be
compared with the glucose increases provided by the glucose-containing beverage.
7Research sites
15Patients around the world